Spring 2020 Grading Modification in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: No Credit and/or Course Withdrawal Options
1.0 Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide grading options to students who were enrolled in courses for the Spring 2020 semester when instruction was disrupted by national, state, and local directives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
2.0 Policy Statement
The decision to move to alternative modes of instruction in mid-March 2020 was made in response to a global pandemic and as such did not follow "normal" University Curriculum Review process. Allowing students to request a "No Credit" (NC} and/or Withdrawal option for courses in Spring 2020, including those previously not approved by the University Curriculum Committee (UCC} for this grading format, will provide students with some flexibility in grading as a response to the pandemic.
3.0 Policy
3.1 The Grading Policy, as stated in the University Catalog, will be modified this semester to allow undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, and graduate students to petition the Registrar's Office to request that any graded class of their currently enrolled course(s) for Spring 2020, including those previously not approved by UCC for this grading format, have a "No Credit (NC}" option. Students may request the "No Credit (NC}" option as follows:
3.1.1 The Grading Policy "NC option" for undergraduate students for Spring 2020 courses, shall be: the grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, or C- and the grade NC (No Credit) for the grades D+ or below, if petitioned.
3.1.2 The Grading Policy "NC option" for graduate and post-baccalaureate students for Spring 2020 courses, shall be: the grades, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, and C and the grade NC (No Credit) for the grades C- or below, if petitioned,
3.2 The modified Grading Policy allows students to petition to the Registrar to change to the No Credit grading option for Spring 2020.
3.3 Courses not selected by the students for the "No Credit" option will stay in the current grading format,
3.4 A student must petition to the Registrar's Office for a grade change by June 1, 2020 to convert a grade to No Credit (as described above) due to the special circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic (any fees will be waived), with the understanding that there may be considerable delay in updating their transcript to reflect the change.
3.5 Each student will make the final decision to request the choice of the "No Credit" option or letter grade for each course in which they are enrolled.
3.6 All advising units and departments/programs will offer students advising on the potential effects of choosing the No Credit option. Students in accredited or credentialing programs should consult with the faculty in their department before exercising this option. The list of the programs requiring such consultation can be found here (http://ivnq.sxwx168.net/uac/covid-19-spring-2020-grading/#programs).
3.7 Faculty will assign a letter grade as they normally would. The Registrar's Office will convert grades equivalent to the NC in the "No Credit option" to NC, once grades have been posted and the student's request has been received and processed.
3.8 These temporary changes supersede all other relevant university policies regarding Credit/No Credit grades for Spring 2020.
3.9 There will be a moratorium on changing academic standing for all students except those who are currently on academic probation and raise their GPA as prescribed in the University Catalog to achieve good standing, in which case they will be removed from academic probation.
3.10 Current limits to CR/NC units will be suspended in determination of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and Pace of Completion (Pace) for students.
3.11 Consistent with the Course Withdrawal Policy (AA 2006-16), the "Course Drop with Record of Enrollment Deadline" (W) on the Academic Calendar for Spring 2020 will be extended to June 1, 2020. Spring courses marked W will not count toward the 18-unit withdrawal limit.
3.12 The use of grading symbols IC (Incomplete Charged) and WU (Withdrawn Unauthorized) will be suspended for the Spring 2020 semester.
4.0 Related Information
4.1 University Catalog: Grades and Grade-points
http://csudh.smartcatalogiq.com/2019- 2020/Catalog/General-lnformation/University-Regulations/Grading/Grades-and-Grade Points
4.2 California State University Grading Symbols, Minimum Standards Governing the Assignment of Grades, Policies on the Repetition of Courses, Policies on Academic Renewal, and Grad Appeals, Executive Order (EO) 1037 http://calstate.policystat.com/policy/6591009/latest/
4.3 CSUDH Academic Affairs Policies:
4.3.1 AA 2010-04 GPA Computation for Graduate Program Courses http://www5.sxwx168.net/aapm/pdf/aa-2010-04.pdf
4.3.2 AA 2006-25 Minimum Grades in Graduate Program Courses http://www5.sxwx168.net/aapm/pdf/aa-2006-25.pdf
4.3.3 AA 2006-16 Course Withdrawal Policy http://www5.sxwx168.net/aapm/pdf/aa-2006-16.pdf
4.3.4 AA 2005-13 Retention of Grade Records http://www5.sxwx168.net/aapm/pdf/aa-2005-13.pdf]
4.4 Academic Senate EXEC 20-09 Sense of the Senate: Support for Modifying Existing Grading Designations in Spring 2020 in response to COVID-19 Disruptions: Credit/NC Option(s); Course Withdrawal
All Revision & Review Approved Dates
Attachments and Links
All advising units; AA 2006-16; University Catalog 2019-2020; California State University Executive Order (EO) 1037
Related Policy
Course Withdrawal Policy AA 2006-16.
Students, CR/NC, No Credit, WU, IC
Approval Signatures
Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date: 04/22/2020
Area Manager/Owner
Approved: Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Date: N/A
Older Version Approval Signatures
Approved: N/A
Date: N/A